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Should I leave, or should I stay?

I know that this place doesn’t belong to me. But my parents have sacrificed a lot to bring me here. And going back would mean starting again from square one.

What will my college do?

Have I dedicated my 4 years to get to this?”

These were the thoughts running through my head while sitting for the training of my first job as a data analyst. But I knew this won’t be a successful marriage if forced, as I was in love with content writing.

I remember there was numbness all over. It felt paralyzing – wanted to leave but couldn’t go anywhere. And then another flurry of thoughts stuck to me.

“My education was supposed to empower me and not shackle me to do a job I would hate.

My education was supposed to set me free and not leave me wanting as a victim.

My 4 years of college and the huge amount of money paid to sustain will be a complete waste if I cannot muster up the courage to do what I want to do.”

At that moment, I left the room and called my dad and said tremblingly that I cannot stay here anymore.

Thankfully, he was at least half-supportive. And thus, I left my first job in 10 days without even having the courtesy to formally submit a resignation. I just stopped coming.

Meanwhile, I moved into my best friend’s place to stay for a couple of days while I prepare to report back to the college (my final semester was still pending).

It is needless to say that my college’s vice-chancellor wasn’t kind to me. But, in the end, he allowed me to sit back in my class.

Meanwhile, to sustain the loss of an income, I also joined a company as a Content Writer – working simultaneously while studying. But that wasn’t the real problem.

In just a matter of days, I went from working in an MNC to working at a much smaller company with a salary of almost 3 times lesser! That’s a huge pay cut.

This comparison literally broke my parents. And thus, I have to face their wrath.

But I knew that this was temporary. So it was wise to turn deaf as I was assured that, with time, things were going to get better.

This is how I started to do what I love. I admit that I was scared as hell. But instead, moving ahead with courage has served me in 2 ways:

  1. It showed me that everything will turn out to be just ok.
  2. It freed me from being a captive of what others will think.

Fast forward to today, 4 years after this moment, I have never regretted my decision. Instead, I only thank the dear younger-me for sustaining the uncertainty and fear.

But to end my story here means leaving you with only half the truth.

Of course, not everything is sunshine and rainbows – it won’t ever be. And the good thing is, I like it this way.

Hey dear, are there any shackles holding you back? Then realize that it is you who have the key. Have the courage to open them and go into the unknown – where your love lives.

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